Sunday, December 13, 2009

3 months already!

It's hard to believe I've been around for 3 months! My family sure is glad to have me and why wouldn't they? I am super mellow and a happy baby. I sleep great too, only waking Mom up once at night. Life is good!

Here are a few photos Mom took of me last week.

Here are a few with my brother, Jonah.

And here's one Mom's friend, Sara, took the other day after she finished a shoot of her and her baby.

Monday, November 9, 2009

2 Months Old and Lookin' Good

I recently had my two month check-up with the doctor. Things are looking great for me. I am still in the 95th percentile for height and weight. I weighed in at 13 lbs. 5 oz and am 24" long. I didn't like those vaccines much, but it was actually Jonah who cried the most at my appt. I think it freaked him out even more to see me get them and he doesn't like to see me cry much either. Next time we may have to leave the poor kid with a sitter. :)

Friends and Family

Even though Jonah's blog gets a lot more action since most of our activities revolve around him, I do have some great friends already and lots of family members who love me. Just this past weekend my great Grammy and Grandpa Moore came to visit from the LA area. My family loves spending time with Grammy and Grandpa, so I was super excited to finally meet them. Jonah gets along great with them so of course I did too.

I also have had a few play dates in recent weeks with some kids my age. Jonah and his friends are great; don't get me wrong. However, I'd like to have friends of my own and so here are a few photos of my closest pals as of now.

Here I am with Jameson (Kate's little brother). We both attended a baby shower celebrating the upcoming arrival of my soon-to-be friend, Atticus.

Here I am with Payton (Jonah is friends with his big brother, Camden).

And I do have one girlfriend too, Sofi. Jonah wanted to be in this picture too. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Two Month Photos

Mom also had to take some naked baby photos with my new sheepskin rug.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Me and the Girls

Most of my time is spent being carted around to places that are mainly for my brother's benefit, but this past weekend Mom took me out to spend time with the girls. I got to meet some of Mom's good girlfriends from high school, namely Summer who lives in L.A. and has been one of Mom's closest friends for 16 years. I was super smiley that afternoon and really enjoyed the girl time.

Me with Summer

Summer's mom and another of Mom's h.s. friends, Becca

Aunt Mary's mom, Pam.

Mom thought I was dressed extra cute that day so here is a better photo of my cute outfit. :)

Here I am with my brother. He's pretty fun too. :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

One Month Photos

Here are a few photos Mom took this week. Don't you think I'm pretty photogenic?

I was pretty tired by the end of our photo shoot.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Simple Life

I am now four weeks old. Can you believe it? I don't know where the time has gone, but I know I've had a good first month. I've had lots of visitors and have been out doing some fun things, but since I sleep through most of it (and Mom is often sleepy and hardly ever remembers her camera), I don't have a lot of photos to document these occasions. However, we do have a few photos for you. Mostly there are of me with my family.

Jonah likes holding me and I like him pretty well too.

We like to lounge around quite a bit when at home.

Jonah also helps me get through tummy-time. Sometimes I even fall asleep.

My great grandma Dyk came to visit this week. She lives in Turlock, CA and decided to come up for a funeral and stopped off to visit me and the rest of the fam.

Here I am with my friend, Jameson. His sister, Kate, and my brother, Jonah, are best friends. I suspect Jameson and I may become good friends too.

Can you see a smile on my face in this last photo? Mom's seen it a few times now. :)

Everyone thinks I'm a good baby. I was a good eater right from the start and only get Mom up twice a night. I even give her a good 4-5 hour stretch at the beginning of the night. Jonah and I are getting along well, though I think he wishes I was old enough to play trains with him. Someday... For now I will keep doing what I do best, eating, sleeping and lounging around.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Few More Photos

Mom took a few more photos today and so we thought we'd share them with you.

Dad took this last one. Didn't he do a great job?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Newborn Photos

Mom finally got around to shooting and editing some photos of me. Thanks to everyone (Aunt Mary, Grandma Jill, and Saray) for the cute photo props she was able to use!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Birthday

Hello Loyal Blog Readers:

Yesterday, September 2, I decided that it was such a beautiful day in Portland that I would make it my birthday! And, no use in waiting! I woke my mom up early, at 4:15AM, and quickly let her know that she should get ready for my arrival. I was enjoying the sun at Kaiser's Sunnyside Hospital in Clackamas by 6:49AM!

My parents were a little surprised by how big I am... 10 Lbs and 21 1/2" in length. That is quite a bit bigger than my 'big' brother Jonah, but I think it may be a little while before we catch up.

We had a great day celebrating my birthday, visiting with family and friends, and enjoying the day. We got through the night, and today we decided to go home. My big brother Jonah stopped by to stay hello, but he is staying another day with our grandparents Nana and Papa and playing with trains. So now, we are just relaxing at home, enjoying some Thai food (milk for me) that our friend Sara brought over, and getting ready for bed.

Until another day,
--Esther Dyk