I am now four weeks old. Can you believe it? I don't know where the time has gone, but I know I've had a good first month. I've had lots of visitors and have been out doing some fun things, but since I sleep through most of it (and Mom is often sleepy and hardly ever remembers her camera), I don't have a lot of photos to document these occasions. However, we do have a few photos for you. Mostly there are of me with my family.
Jonah likes holding me and I like him pretty well too.
We like to lounge around quite a bit when at home.
Jonah also helps me get through tummy-time. Sometimes I even fall asleep.

My great grandma Dyk came to visit this week. She lives in Turlock, CA and decided to come up for a funeral and stopped off to visit me and the rest of the fam.

Here I am with my friend, Jameson. His sister, Kate, and my brother, Jonah, are best friends. I suspect Jameson and I may become good friends too.

Can you see a smile on my face in this last photo? Mom's seen it a few times now. :)
Everyone thinks I'm a good baby. I was a good eater right from the start and only get Mom up twice a night. I even give her a good 4-5 hour stretch at the beginning of the night. Jonah and I are getting along well, though I think he wishes I was old enough to play trains with him. Someday... For now I will keep doing what I do best, eating, sleeping and lounging around.

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