I am a girl on the go!

Some fun facts about me:
1. I am a walker! I took my first steps just before I turned one, but really got moving at 13 months.
2. I am a climber. I will climb the stairs, up onto chairs (and sometimes tables) and into any basket, box, etc. I can get my little body into.
3. I am a dancer. Sometimes I just twist my body to the music, but other times I get my hips going too!
4. I can say "thank you," "hi," "bye, bye," "uh-oh," "dada," "mama," "baby," "yeah" and "cheese" whenever Mom has the camera out. I also sign "done" when I'm finished eating or just want out of my high chair.
5. I LOVE to look at books, especially touch and feel books. I would spend all day making my mommy read me books, if she'd let me. :)
6. I love to cuddle and give kisses. I will give kisses to pretty much anyone who asks for one!
7. My family LOVES me to pieces!