Mom's really hoping these are the final days (or hours) before I arrive. She wasn't sure we'd make it to my due date (the 24th), but here we are, almost a week later.

Last weekend Mom and Dad had the weekend to themselves. Nana and Papa wanted to take my brother, Jonah, huckleberry picking up at Mt. Adams and asked if he could stay the night on Friday so they could leave early on Saturday. Mom and Dad said, "Sure!" and had a great time going out to a nice dinner on Friday and then went kayaking on Saturday morning. They were also able to walk through the Street of Dreams condos in the Pearl District downtown. Nana and Papa even asked if Jonah could stay one more night as they were having so much fun together. Someday maybe I'll stay at Nana and Papa's place for a weekend!
Mom kayaking at 9 months pregnant!

Mom also had time to finish crocheting a blanket she had been working on for me. Now there's really not a lot left to do, except keep the house clean. Mom's also having fun spending time alone with Jonah, something that I'll soon keep from happening for at least a little while.
My blanket
Mom saw her midwife, Sharon, on Wednesday and found out she was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Sharon also said Mom's cervix looks great (now that's not a compliment you hear ever day!). She suspects we won't have to come back for an appt. next Wednesday. :) On Monday, which will put us at 41 weeks, Mom goes in for a nontress test to make sure everything is looking alright with me. I think everyone is hoping she doesn't make it a week past the expected due date, but we will see! I like keeping everyone on their toes!